
Bill Cosby Admits to Drugging Women for Sex

Back in 2005, Bill Cosby admitted in court that he had gotten Quaaludes and intended to drug women he wanted to have sex with, according to the court documents obtained by the Associated Press. He also stated that he did give the drug to “at least one woman and ‘other people.’”

The sexual abuse case was filed by a former employee of Temple University, Cosby’s alma mater. He testified that he had given her three half three half-pills of Benadryl. The lawsuit ended up being settled outside of court.

In the past year, many women have claimed that they have been sexually assaulted by Cosby. However, Cosby has never been criminally charged.

In the past few weeks, Cosby’s legal team tried to prevent the release of the court documents by saying Cosby is not a public figure and claiming it “would generate a firestorm of publicity.” They also felt they would “embarrass” him.

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