Artist Spotlight

BackstageOL Artist Spotlight – Nicky Youre

If you have spent any time on social media or listening to the radio, you’ll know that there is one song in particular that is absolutely blowing up right now. Sunroof by Nicky Youre is all over social media apps like TikTok and has become the unofficial song of Summer 2022.

BackstageOL’s Dave Morales sat down to speak with the budding star to talk music, songwriting, and Nicky’s rise to stardom.

With Sunroof being such a massive hit, Morales asks Youre how he feels about the success. “It’s an overwhelming feeling of this is happening to me, I can’t believe it. People are enjoying a song that I made with a friend of mine in my college room when I was feeling not super great one night, that’s a crazy feeling.”

Youre has been bombarded by family and friend with clips of his song being used all across social media. He recollects how it felt hearing his song on the radio the first time, “That was a really crazy feeling,” said Youre.

Youre explains how shocked he and a friend felt when a radio DJ introduced Sunroof by talking about Youre and saying his name. “We were both just like Whoa, what is this guy saying, he said my name on the radio, this is sick.”

“That was a moment for me as an artist where I was like, ok I’m doing some things that are right, so I gotta keep doing these types of things,” said Youre.

How It Started

Youre noted that growing up as the baby of the family that his brother and sister had control over what he listened to growing up. “It wasn’t until I met my first producer of Sex Unlimited, one of my other songs, who introduced me to music and that’s when I was like oh music can be really cool,” said Youre.

Starting out Youre dabbled with EDM music for a few years before starting to venture his way into pop music. Once he did he realized that he could make music like some of his favorite artists, Quinn XCII, Jeremy Zucker, and Dominic Fike.

Youre also tells the story of how he wrote Sunroof in his college room one night while laying in bed sick and humming melodies. “I got my head out the sunroof just came to and I was like whoa that pretty sick, I should keep working with that,” said Youre.

He completed the song and send it to a friend who created 20 different versions of the song. The two narrowed it down to one song and worked on making the song as perfect as it could be.

“I think that’s the best way to go about it, making stuff that feels genuine and authentic to you,” said Youre. “You don’t need a fancy crazy studio set up to make good music, you can make it in your room like so many people are nowadays, that’s the beauty of where we are right now with music-making.”

Pineapple on Pizza?

Morales and Youre also talk about food, sunroofs, and pets in a rapid-fire question segment of the interview. Here’s how it went, Youre’s favorite food is sushi, he is a firm believer in pineapple on pizza, and his favorite dessert is milkshakes.

For all of those wondering, Yes Nicky Your does indeed have a sunroof in his car but it has been broken for the past few years. Youre notes that he is a dog person but he does want to get a kitten that he could rise with a dog.

And despite having the song of the summer Youre says that his fashion sense is driven more towards layers and a winter style of dress. Although he does prefer the summertime.

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