
THE BROKEN HEARTS GALLERY: Geraldine Viswanathan, Dacre Montgomery & Natalie Krinsky Interview

“Certain stages of your life you have to decide. What do you keep? What do you destroy?” – Natalie Krinsky

Getting over a rough emotional relationship can be tough. It can be even tougher when you don’t have a great support system to guide you. The Broken Hearts Gallery is the film to depict the importance of having real friends in your most vulnerable moments. Director Natalie Krinsky describes her life as the origin for the relationship that Geraldine Viswanathan, Dacre Montgomery, and her friends portray in the film.

“Escapism is important. I was broken up with. Jobless. Struggling as a writer. No home. Sorting through my life and sorting through the keep and destroy piles. Finding who I was through that process helped me move forward.”

The Broken Hearts Gallery stars Geraldine Viswanathan, Dacre Montgomery and more in theatres now.

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