
Aaron Sorkin To Write Steve Jobs Biopic

Sony Pictures confirmed today that Academy and Emmy Award winning screenwriter Aaron Sorkin will write Steve Jobs biopic, based off Walter Isaacson’s best-selling biography Steve Jobs.  Steve Jobs was released shorty after the death of the technology mogul.

“Steve Jobs’ story is unique: he was one of the most revolutionary and influential men not just of our time but of all time,” Amy Pascal, co-chair of Sony Pictures Entertainment, stated in a press release.

“There is no writer working in Hollywood today who is more capable of capturing such an extraordinary life for the screen than Aaron Sorkin; in his hands, we’re confident that the film will be everything that Jobs himself was: captivating, entertaining, and polarizing.”

Sorkin actually knew Jobs through a “phone friendship.”  Jobs had invited Sorkin to tour Apple and discuss an opportunity for him to write a story for Pixar.

“I told him I’d take him up on it and I never did,” Sorkin wrote in an article for The Daily Beast. “But I still keep thinking about that Pixar movie. And for me, that’s Steve’s legacy. That, and the fact that I wrote this on a Mac that I loved taking out of the box.”

A second Steve Jobs film is in the works starring Two and a Half Men‘s Ashton Kutcher.

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