
Jon Bon Jovi Hoax- He’s Alright!

Maybe you were like me tonight- while looking at my Twitter feed my heart skipped a beat when I saw “Jon Bon Jovi dead!”

Rest assured, it’ the latest in the cruel hoaxes that seem to spread like wildfire in this age of social networking.

Bon Jovi himself became aware of the “joke” tonight and decided to pose for the above photo. he just happened to be with his photographer friend David Bergman.

Bergman tweeted “I happened to be with Jon Bon Jovi when we heard rumors of his death. He’s alive and well and I shot this to prove it.”

Bon Jovi was set to play a charity event tonight.

Jon posed for the picture in front of a Christmas tree holding a sign saying- “Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey!” He even dated the sign as Dec 19th 2011 6:00 just to make it official.

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