
NFL’s Menelik Watson Donates Game Check to Ill Child

Offensive lineman Menelik Watson of the Oakland Raiders donated his Week 16 check to the family of Ava Urrea, a 4 year-old girl with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Urrea was born with half a heart and has undergone more than 14 surgeries for her condition.

Through Fox Sports’ Jay Glazer’s Touchdown Dreams program, Urrea received the chance to spend the day with the Oakland Raiders. Urrea received autographed footballs and helmets and served as the team’s captain for the day.

At the end of the day, Watson met with Urrea’s father and handed him his game check for the week. Watson’s weekly gross salary is roughly $36,944 per week, which comes down to about $18,000 after California taxes are taken out.

Urrea was also in attendance for Sunday’s game, when the Raiders upset the Buffalo Bills 26-24.

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