
Watch: Eddie Braun Rocket Himself Over Canyon In Ode To Evel Knievel

Credit: Joe Salas/

In an ode to his hero Evel Knievel, professional stuntman Eddie Braun jumped over Idaho’s Snake River Canyon in a steam-powered rocket bike, dubbed “Evel Spirit.”

The rocket was said to be identical to the model Knievel used for his failed canyon-jump attempt in September 1974. Before making the jump, Braun stated, “I like to say I’m not doing something that Evel Knievel couldn’t do. I’m simply finishing out his dream. How many people get to finish the dream of their hero?”

Credit: Loz Blain/New Atlas

The designer of the rocket, Scott Truax, told the Idaho Statesman that after Braun got the ‘OK’ to launch he didn’t hesitate to takeoff. “He was gone in a cloud of steam and I couldn’t see anything until just before he pulled his chutes.”

Braun launched himself over the canyon accelerating at an estimated speed of 400+ mph within a matter of 3 to 4 seconds, flying about 2,000 feet in the air.

After the jump, Braun said, “I feel like the no name third string quarterback of a junior varsity team that just won the Super Bowl. My team got me there. I ran it into the end zone. We scored and won.”

Check out the video below!

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