
Kickstarter For ‘Breaking Bad’ Spinoff Starring Val Kilmer And Slash

Breaking Bad is already getting a spinoff series entitled Better Call Saul, however fan Larry Shepherd wants to see even more of Breaking Bad so he launched a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of making a spin-off called Anastasia.

The series would take place right after the conclusion of Breaking Bad and will follow the two U.S. Marshals who discovered Walt’s body. In Anastasia, the U.S. Marshals  wonder if Walt is still alive after his body is stolen. Shepherd, who has no connections in the entertainment industry, hopes that Val Kilmer and Slash will play the lead roles.

Shepherd explains that Kilmer’s character will be a recovering alcoholic. As for Slash, he will “stay in the ‘Slash’ character” and “will always be undercover.”

Other celebrities invited to guest star on the show  include Robert Downey Jr., Russell Brand, Drew Barrymore, Robin Williams and Eminem. Shepherd also wants to cast singer-songwriter Jana Mashonee to play Slash’s girlfriend in the series.

Shepherd states that he has already written 10 episodes for the first season of Anastasia and wants the show to premiere the Monday before Halloween. He is hoping to raise $500,000 by August 1st, but the project so far has only raised $1,000.

Shepherd may also encounter some other problems in trying to develop the series, as Anastasia has not been approved by Breaking Bad’s creator Vince Gilligan, nor does Kilmer appear to be on board with the spin-off based on this tweet:

Take a look at Shepherd’s video below explaining the concept behind Anastasia:

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