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2012 Year In Review- My Top 10 Movies, Part 2

Here they are…the TOP 5! What made my NUMBER ONE?

Read on…

5. “Hitchcock”

I REALLY enjoyed this one. Anthony Hopkins is SUPERB playing the role of Alfred Hitchcock. The movie is based on Hitchcock’s life during the “Psycho” era. It’s a very candid look at the famous director’s life. I have always been a fan of Hitchcock, my favorite of his movies being “The Birds.” You will see a funny “tribute” to that film in this movie.

I’m hoping Hopkins gets an Oscar nod for his performance. Double bonus would be for the movie itself to get a nomination.

4. “Lincoln”

I’ve heard some critics describe this one (in a negative sense) as “classic Spielberg.” Yes, it is VERY “classic” Steven Spielberg. But I like it.

Daniel Day Lewis delivers a role which made me think several times throughout that I was ACTUALLY watching Lincoln play himself. The resemblance to the 16th President of the United States is spot on.

As in “Hitchcock,” “Lincoln” really gives us a “backstage” look at this great man’s life during a troubled time in our nation.

There is a reason this is the front runner for the upcoming Oscars- it’s that good.

3. “Les Miserables”

I wasn’t all too familiar with the plot behind “Les Miserables.” In fact, I JUST saw the Broadway touring production last month. SO glad I saw it.

This movie is a modern “classic.” A true production of what all the great movies have- huge scenes, big musical numbers, and big stars.

If I HAD to make a negative comment about Les Mis, it would be the getting used to seeing (and hearing!) Russell Crowe in a singing role. After about 10 minutes, I was looking forward to more. This is a MUST SEE.

2. “Argo”

When I knew earlier in the year what my number one movie was going to be (more on that in a second), I set a “bar.” Everything else I’ve seen this year I have compared to that “bar.” ONE movie almost became my number one- and it is “Argo.”

“Argo” is based on the true story of the CIA operative which led to the rescue of six American diplomats during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis.

I’ve been one of the “Ben Affleck haters” in recent years. It is safe to say he has DEFINITELY redeemed himself. Affleck deserves Oscar nominations in more than one category. He directed, starred and produced (along with George Clooney) this masterpiece of a film.

1. “Moonrise Kingdom”

I knew right away after seeing this at an advanced screening early in 2012 that this would be number one. Everything else I’ve seen throughout the year has been compared (in my mind) to this one.

The romantic-comedy drama (yes, it is all of those) is directed by Wes Anderson. It is co-written by Anderson and Roman Coppolla.

If I had to describe this movie in one word, it would be “quirky fun.” Ok, that was two.

“Moonrise Kingdom” is a fun ride. It makes you feel good after it is over. It also make you reflect on your own personal life. Yes, it’s a “coming of age” story set in a dysfunctional background, but it is also one of those movies that really leaves a great “taste” after seeing it. When is the last time you could describe a film like that?

If you didn’t catch this in theaters, do yourself a favor and see it. You won’t regret it.

Read 2012 Year In Review- My Top 10 Movies, Part 1

Dave Morales is a member of the Houston Film Critics Society

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